From 8th to 11th November Clorofilla will be attending at the 15th edition of Key Energy, the expo of renewable energies organized by Italian Exhibition Group that will be hosted together with Ecomondo at the Rimini Expo Center.
With over 1.400 companies attending, Key Energy is an international reference for everything that concerns the transition towards energetic sustainability. Every year Key Energy hosts services, solutions and technologies which are useful to accelerate and optimize the conversion that looks more and more urgent and necessary to the economy and even more to our everyday life.
Among its central themes there are sustainable mobility and developing of the infrastructures necessary to amplify electrification of transports solutions. It is nowadays clear the crucial role that can be played in this sector bu the two-wheels, both electrical and traditional, in the “green” city we imagine for our future.
Beyond products and technologies, Key Energy is made of meetings, seminars and appointments to talk about the future of our environment and take part to it as leading actors. Here’s why Clorofilla will be present not only to present its products but also to engage in a dialogue with other players working in the same field and to put its expertise at work in this change.

Since a while ago our main interlocutors are public administrations and privates who strive to re-invent work spaces, urban and leisure areas where people live and spend their time, contributing to redesign them. Clorofilla’s solutions are ready today for the tomorrow we want to achieve, with truly sustainable products and an eye always attentive to fill our landscape with beauty.
You will find us at stand 57 in hall D7 at Rimini Expo Center from tuesday 8th to friday 11th.