After the Ciclovia dell’Appennino, Clorofilla it has also been chosen by the Ciclovia Parchi Calabria (Cycle Path of Calabria Parks) and the network of cycle-tourism routes “In bici a pelo d’acqua” ((By bike on the surface of the water) to enrich their range of services aimed at the increasingly numerous cyclists and cycle tourists.

The Ciclovia dei Parchi della Calabria crosses three different natural parks: Sila, Pollino, and the Serre Park. It was awarded the Italian Cyclotourism Oscar in 2021 (jointly with the Trento region) and is currently one of the flagship routes in the Italian cycling network.
The Calabria region has made a significant effort to design and promote this route, which unfolds through enchanting and ever-changing landscapes and little-known villages of wondrous beauty and great hospitality.

Soon, its 545 km of cycle paths and secondary roads will be equipped with 20 customized Clorofilla Power stations featuring the logo of the  Cycle Path Parchi della Calabria. The charging stations will be available to anyone riding on the path to provide free charging for their e-bikes and tools for minor repairs and emergency adjustments.

To discover this cycle path of majestic beauty, we invite you to watch the short film produced by Bike Italia, “The Predators of the Lost Cycle Path: Mission Calabria,” which narrates a bike journey through this region.”

Also, the Piedmontese network called “In bici a pelo d’acqua” will soon be equipped with 27 Clorofilla Basic and Trail bike stations, which will be installed along the numerous paths that make up this trail network. In total, we are talking about 270 km divided into different itineraries that connect Italy to Switzerland, following the common thread of numerous watercourses and lakes in this vast foothill area.

For Clorofilla, it is a great honor and satisfaction to see the growth of cycle tourism infrastructure in Italy, intercepting a movement that is increasingly on the rise, with a spirit that aims to add value to territories beyond the routes of traditional tourism. For these territories, cycle tourism can represent an opportunity for renewal and growth while respecting their nature and caring for the environment.

We truly believe that traveling by bike is perhaps the best way to learn this care for the territory and for ourselves through a more genuine and immediate contact with the environment around us.

For more information on these destinations, we invite you to visit the websites and