In 2023 Clorofilla joins Euromobility, the Italian Association of Mobility Managers.
Standing besides firms and public administrations already activre in the field of sustainaible mobility, Clorofilla puts its experience to the service of a more bike-friendly country.

Who are mobility managers

The so-called “Decreto rilancio” (“Restart Decree”) of 2020 (Law 17th July 2020, n. 77) introduced the obligation for all private and public subjects having more than 100 emlployees and situated in cities with more than  50.000 inhabitants to adopt an home-work commuting plan.
This plan aims to define a strategy to facilitate the commuting of personnel and avoid urban traffic congestion.

Therefore a mobility manager has to be designated with competences useful in contributing to the decisional process, the programming, definition and realisation of the commuting plan.
It is thus clear that the figures of mobility managers will be more and more requested and present in the working field, as more and more competences about sustainable mobility will be more and more necessary.
Euromobility Association is involved in training on these themes since its constitution in 2000, when the mobility manager was defined by the law but not yet mandatory a role.
IN 2011 it was designated by the Ministry of Environment and Safeguard of Territory and Sea as the National Focal Point for Italy in EPOMM – European Platform on Mobility Management.

Clorofilla entra in Euromobility

What does Euromobility do? 

Today the Association takes care of the relationships around sustainable mobility with the national and international institutions, by promoting meetings, events, symposiums and projects of awareness and education in schools, such as Annibale, il Serpente Sostenibile.
It also gives courses and workshops on themes such as mobility management, quality of air, cycling mobility etc.
Every year it organises two conferences on mobility, MobyDixit and the national conference on PUMS for planning urban mobility and in particular on Sustainable Mobility Urban Plans.

It supports private firms and public administrations in the redaction of home-work commuting planes and for the introduction of sustainable mobility services.
It realizes surveys and campaigns of monitoring to estimate the impact of sustainable mobility on the quality of the environment and it gives technical and scientific support to research in the field and manages two observatories, PUMS and Osservatorio 50 Città.

Clorofilla entra in Euromobility

Why Clorofilla enters Euromobility

By joining the Association Clorofilla aims to contribute with its know-how and its products to the diffusion of a culture of sustainable mobility involving both private and public actors at large.
Moreover, by signing a convention with Euromobility, Clorofilla makes cheaper and immediate the purchase of products that can be useful to implement areas and services dedicated to cycling.
Furthermore, the participation of Clorofilla team to the events and seminars organised by Euromobility will make us more capable of fulfilling the needs of users and to develop a deeper knowledge of problems linked to sustainable mobility that could be useful both in consulting activities and in developing new and more adequate solutions.