On the first days of December, taking advantage of some festive days, some of Clorofilla staff’s members decided to experiment a new way of travelling.
Long holiday weekends always put us in front of a dilemma.
Staying home and renounce to explore our beautiful land with its many treasures or get in the car and contribuite to clogging highways, worsening the air quality for everyone and getting higher stress levels for all those who are simply willing to get away from everyday routine and relax?

The solution already exists and we have it and it’s as handy as simply riding a bike, thus getting around the obstacle and contributing to a new, slow mobility. Without renouncing to the things we love, in fact adding something more to our travel experience, we can take part in changing things. For three days, far away from traffic and chaos, we rode on the Rotta del Sale (Route of Salt) bike trail, the cycling path that goes from Cervia to Venice. The gpx files of the route can be downloaded on the website  rottadelsalebiketrail.it , where you can also find many informations abouts the services on the route and useful travel tips.

We documented our adventure in a short reportage that marks the beginning of a new series of videos through which we would like to share our passion for riding, our vision about the future and how we can have a part in shaping a new mobility.